Monday, March 20, 2023

Kursus Java Online Terjangkau

 Hi guys,

Saya lagi berniat mengadakan kursus online khususnya Java untuk individu ataupun grup dengan harga terjangkau. Materi bebas bisa di request. Background saya lulusan jurusan ilmu komputer universitas terbaik di Indonesia dan berpengalaman kerja di swasta bidang IT selama 6 tahun. Bagi yang berminat, bisa tanya-tanya dulu atau kontak saya di linkedin saya .

Thank you & Regards.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Setup SSH Git for Cloning Source from Azure Devops

Hi guys,

I wanna share the steps that I did in setting up SSH for Git.
So, I want to clone source from Azure Devops (you can imagine it as Github) via ssh.

Create and Add SSH Key

1. Check whether you already have ssh key or not
ls -al ~/.ssh

If belows file aren't shown, it means you don't have ssh key:
id_rsa --> this is your private key --> this is your public key

2. Create new key

3. Login into Azure Devops account and Click your picture ID

4. Choose Security > SSH Public Keys > Add.
Fill in field "Description" and copy your content to field "Field Data"

5. Click Save

6. ssh-add from terminal

Clone source with SSH

1. Copy the ssh url from the repository/source that you want to clone
2. Open terminal in your leptop, click
git clone [repository ssh url]

That's all, good luck :D


Monday, June 10, 2019

Extend Partition After Installing Dual Boot

Hi guys,

Last time, I installed dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 in my leptop.
I allocated only 25GB for my Ubuntu but then I need to allocate more spaces.
So what I did is extend my Ubuntu partition via my Windows. Below are the steps

1. Download MiniTool Partition wizard
2. Free some spaces that you need. ex: 300GB. This free spaces will indicated as "Unallocated"
3. Select your Ubuntu partition (mine is dev/sda3) Note: This Ubuntu partition need to be adjacent to "Unallocated", otherwise you can not "merge" these 2 partitions.

  • If your Ubuntu partition is not adjacent to "Unallocated". Make it be adjacent first:
    • Backup your data
    • Use your Ubuntu OS and install GParted if it is'nt installed yet
    • Drag all necessary partition to make these 2 partitions be adjacent and "Unallocated" to the most bottom.

    • In my case I moved dev/sda2 to the left. 

    • Then dev/sda3 (Ubuntu partition) to the left. 

    • Now dev/sda3 is adjacent to "Unallocated". Grow dev/sda3 from 25GB to merge dev/sda3 with "Unallocated"

4. Select your Ubuntu partition and Click Move/Resize Partition.
Extend Ubuntu partition by dragging handle to the Extend direction.
5. Click Apply

how to extend partition:
how to make partition so it will be adjacent:
