Monday, May 27, 2019

Error docker-compose up

Hi guys,

If you are trying to run docker-compose up -d but got below error:
TypeError: docopt() got an unexpected keyword argument 'option_first'
ModuleNotFoundError: No Module named 'docker.errors'

try to run below comment:
1. pip uninstall docker-py 
2. pip install -U docker-compose
3. try run docker-compose up -d in new terminal

if it's still not working, try to run below comment:
1. pip uninstall docker 
2. pip uninstall docker-py
3. pip uninstall docker-compose
4. pip install docker-compose
5. try run docker-compose up -d in new terminal

Below is full error when can't perform docker-compose up



Tuesday, May 21, 2019

ERROR: No matching distribution found for Django

Hi guys,

If you are installing requirements.txt using command
pip install -r requirements.txt and got error below:

ERROR: No matching distributin found for Django==2.0.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
try to check pip version you use by using command pip --version

If it is showing that you use python version 2.x, then you need to use python 3.x, because Django is not supported by python 2.x
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Full error when trying to install requirements.txt using python 2.x

Hope this help
